The year’s end tends to be defined by our rituals. Besides the usual Christmas celebration, gift giving and trying to stay up late on New Year’s Eve, there are a couple of things that define the year’s end for our family.

I always write New Years resolutions. A number of friends and acquaintances say they avoid the ritual. Most often they complain that it’s repetitious and guilt-provoking. I do it each year anyway – as a reality check. It’s a good reminder of what I have to do but, more importantly, it reminds me of what I want to do during the year. (My wife is a natural when it comes to dancing so it’s on the list again this year – even if it’s just cutting the rug at home.)

Our Christmas letter is another year-end ritual. It’s our chance, once a year, to be in contact with dear friends. We update the mailing list and get caught up with those that we might have fallen behind on our emails and phone calls.

The last of our rituals is picking out a new Bible. We try to read through a new translation every year, so a new Bible is a harbinger of a new year – and a better year.

I’m amazed at the number of people that say they can’t get through the “begat” chapters (I think there are only about 6.) And the number of people say they don’t like the depiction of God, wars and rumors of wars – etc. in the Old Testament. To them I’d say, don’t pick up the newspaper, don’t watch the news or take in a broadcast, and don’t even glance at the tabloids in the check out line.

I’ve come to look forward to our annual new Bible commitment. It makes for a happier, more prosperous New Year.
In a real way.

In the meantime, whatever your rituals may be, we’re wishing you
A Blessed and Happy New Year.