There are roads that aren’t on any commercial maps in our county. We ventured on to one yesterday. We drove for miles past pinon trees and the occasional deserted farm house. We knew would eventually come to one of the highways that crisscross the county roads and eventually we did.

It took a lot longer than expected, and seeing the dirt road we were on stretch on for miles was not reassuring. We reached several intersections of other dirt roads which seemed to endlessly disappearing in the distance. We found our way on to a two lane road that soon became a four lane paved road and we knew where we were.

Our little adventure brought to mind the Israelites. No dirt roads. No maps. No GPS. What could they do? They were led. They saw miracles. They learned to lean on and trust the Lord. Oh, that we would find our way on to those dirt roads. The roads that lead to trusting Him