The Barnabas Institute’s Center for Christian Community programs are designed to provide practical help in living a Christian life. The Center for Christian Community has four programs as follows:
The Center publishes a Christian online newsletter titled On the Way with Barnabas. The publication appears monthly 10 times a year and contains information on Christian events in Santa Fe. Item submissions are accepted via email and by phone. Subscriptions to the publication can be taken on line at this website, by email or by phone.
Church Visitation
The Church Visitation Program calls on pastors and asks for prayer requests for churches. Of the approximately 75 churches in Santa Fe, about two-thirds are visited each year.
Santa Fe Prayer Net
The Santa Fe Prayer Net highlights a Santa Fe church’s prayer needs each week for prayer. Pray requests are shared with clergy from each church and published weekly.
Thursday Morning Prayer
The public is invited to Thursday Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m. at the Center’s facilities at 1925 Aspen Drive, Suite 901A, Santa Fe. Both personal and public concerns are the focus of the prayer.