Author: <span>Miki Vasquez</span>

We were gone most of this spring. When we got home, it was well past planting season but I couldn’t resist. I dug up part of the yard and put…

Christian Living

The Olympic games will close today. Watching the games has been terrific. Having them in Athens this year has made it especially dynamic. I really admire the athletes, their skill…

Christian Living

You’ve seen the bumper sticker, “I’d rather be fishing.” Well, I went fishing the other day. It’s not something I’ve done much of lately, so I needed a little help…

Christian Living

We are living in a world of real danger and uncertainty. It’s always been that way. Still, we have so much to be grateful for. We’ve not been attacked since…

Christian Living

We attended a political rally the other day. As far as I could tell, the rally brought out the faithful. If you didn’t care you didn’t bother. It was the…

Christian Living

We all have good days and bad days. The other day we came across a beautiful, serene valley high in the mountains of northern New Mexico. It’s know as Valles…

Christian Living

There are roads that aren’t on any commercial maps in our county. We ventured on to one yesterday. We drove for miles past pinon trees and the occasional deserted farm…

Christian Living

Christian Living

Jeremiah’s time was much like today. Wars were going on all around, threats of attack, political strife. Just like today. Of course, Jeremiah’s job was to say what God told…

Christian Living

We have a mailbox that we check every now and then to see if any mail has come. We are still new to Santa Fe, but they sort of know…

Christian Living