Barnabas Institute Posts

Both President Bush and President Clinton called our home this week. (Not really, they were both recordings.) If you live in a contested state you probably have had the same…

Christian Living

We invest our time and energy, and we expect a certain outcome or reward. The paper announced an Orionid meteor shower in the early morning and I thought I’d take…

Christian Living

I buy the Farmer’s Almanac every year. I bought mine early this year just because I was in the book store and saw it on the shelf and thought I’d…

Christian Living

The last few days have been definitely fall days. Fall is the favorite of my seasons. I like the season changes generally, but summer to fall is something I look…

Christian Living

The Egyptians created the pyramids, which are a wonder. They sit flat, aligned and perfectly level in the Nile delta. How they got them that level, no one knows. I…

Christian Living

We’ve been in Santa Fe going on a few months now. Long enough for it to start to feel like home. Long enough to have family and friends stop by…

Christian Living

Rains have come to the deserts of northern New Mexico. Some of the trees we were sure were dead are sprouting some green after years of drought. Any time you…

Christian Living

We were gone most of this spring. When we got home, it was well past planting season but I couldn’t resist. I dug up part of the yard and put…

Christian Living

The Olympic games will close today. Watching the games has been terrific. Having them in Athens this year has made it especially dynamic. I really admire the athletes, their skill…

Christian Living

You’ve seen the bumper sticker, “I’d rather be fishing.” Well, I went fishing the other day. It’s not something I’ve done much of lately, so I needed a little help…

Christian Living